RecycleTEK puts AI in CRV in Sunnyvale

Using AI to collect CRV

Sunnyvale residents now have another way of recycling their containers and getting cash back. Every Tuesday from 2 to 7 p.m., residents can visit the RecycleTEK mobile trailer at 725 Kifer Road.

RecycleTEK has a state-of-the-art California Redemption Value (CRV) recycling program designed to make getting that  5, 10 or 25 cents back per container easier. Funded by a CalRecycle grant, this pilot program uses an AI Vision system to collect and redeem collected CRV beverage containers. The EcoTrailer can process up to 1,000 containers per minute.

Residents can either recycle on the spot with the help of RecycleTEK staff or pick up a bag with a coded tag at the EcoTrailer and fill it with CRV beverage containers at home. When the bag is full, residents can drop it off at the EcoTrailer to be processed and credited to their account.

Residents can create a Recycletek account at ahead of time or ask Recycletek staff for help getting set up in person at the trailer.  For a full list of CRV eligible items, visit

Birding at Baylands

Bay Area Older Adults is hosting a gentle, two-mile walk at Sunnyvale Baylands Park on June 5 in search of yellow-rumped warblers, bullock’s orioles, green-winged teals and more led by an expert birder tasked with finding more than 20 different avian species during the excursion. Transportation, lunch and loaned binoculars are included. Visit for more details and to register for Hike 10.

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