Over some principles, polarization only option: Letter to the editor

Re: “Union can’t survive continued polarization” (Page A6, June 13).

About high school student Connor Bone who decried the “political polarization” rampaging in our country, I believe polarization is essential.

After all, someone has to stand up against people who think they are above the law and can stomp on our Constitution. Someone has to stand up for the planet against global warming deniers. Someone has to stand up for minority rights and immigrants against xenophobes. Someone has to stand up for voting rights against election deniers. Someone has to stand up for gender equality and abortion rights against sexists. Someone has to stand up for gun safety and gun control against the NRA. Someone has to stand up for LGBTQ rights against homophobes and the like. Someone has to stand up for democracy against authoritarianism.

Polarization exists against those ideas that truly do not make America great again.

Guy Vigier
San Jose


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