Letters: SJSU housing | Paying Google | Football theft | Biden accomplishments

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SJSU housing will
benefit all of downtown

Re: “SJSU hits final stages for tower” (Page B1, Aug. 11).

The citizens of the Bay Area join me in welcoming San Jose State University’s Spartan Village on the Paseo. This much-needed student housing will be a gamechanger for downtown San Jose, injecting new life into the area and boosting local businesses.

By bringing a vibrant student community to the heart of our city, Spartan Village will address housing needs while driving economic growth and strengthening our community.

Professor Baltej Singh Mann
San Jose State University
San Jose

Media should pay
Google for traffic

Re: “Stop Google’s ‘evil’ erosion of local news” (Page A6, Aug. 14).

I’m puzzled by the Mercury News’ complaint that Google “uses our news content to drive web traffic to its search site.”

What they do is quote less than a sentence and then point to your website. Maybe you should be paying them for driving web traffic to your site.

Len Shustek
Portola Valley

School must make
football team whole

Re: “South Bay high school football team victim of costly weekend heist” (Aug. 13).

This story is near and dear to my heart as Santa Teresa High School was my previous school and my younger siblings currently attend. My brother is the starting quarterback as a senior and playing for a college football scholarship.

On Friday night the Santa Teresa football team’s storage bins were ransacked and thousands of dollars in inventory was stolen. This includes their boom box, all gear for the team, booster tents, and other clothing and merchandise.

If that wasn’t enough, copper wiring was ripped from the stadium, completely ruining the possibility of Friday night lights for the entire football season.

As of now, there are no plans to fix any of the damage, and this must be changed.

Alyssa Gaches
San Jose

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Biden accomplishments
are a source of pride

Re: “There is still a Biden scandal to address” (Page A7, Aug. 13).

I’ll take (and have taken and will continue to happily take) Joe Biden from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. versus the no-published schedules, the hours of “Executive Time,” the non-response to a once-in-a-century pandemic of his predecessor.

The article states, “Events, not hopes, decide when a presidency is finished.” Events and accomplishments, not bombast, decide the success of a presidency. President Joe Biden and all Americans have lots of accomplishments to be proud of.

George Licina
Santa Rosa

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