Letters: BART accountability | Cruelty no answer | Not ousted | Cancel Trump | Gaza’s suffering

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Accountability, not
cash needed at BART

Re: “BART leaders’ manufactured ‘fiscal crisis’” (Page A9, Aug. 11).

Thank you, Debora Allen, for once again speaking truth to power.

Allen has ably represented not only the taxpayers of the BART district she represents but all working people in the Bay Area who simply want BART to be safe, clean, efficient and affordable. She has been a voice in the wilderness against a BART board and unions that have vilified her for trying to make them fiscally responsible and address safety and cleanliness issues that exacerbate BART’s loss of ridership. Her article articulates the follies and failings of a BART board that places Bay Area citizens’ interests below the demands of BART employee unions and a twisted view of what a transit system should be.

We desperately need a reliable, safe and affordable way to get to work. Allen’s recommendations for greater accountability for BART should be adopted before they get another dime from us.

Donald Waters
Pleasant Hill

Cruelty is no answer
for homelessness

Re: “How is the Bay Area responding to order?” (Page A1, Aug. 17).

Clearing homeless people from their encampments, stripping them of their few possessions and forcing them to move elsewhere is simply cruel.

People are homeless because they cannot earn enough to support and house themselves, but our archaic and barbaric laws make that a crime. Forcing them to move is not a solution.

It is disgraceful that the richest nation on Earth should treat poverty with cruelty.

Dan Smith

Biden was not ousted;
he chose to withdraw

Re: “Pro-democracy crew silent on ousting Biden” (Page A8, Aug. 18).

President Biden was not ousted.

Yes, he was pressured to step aside by senior Democratic congressional leaders. However, the decision to run for reelection was always that of President Biden. The decision was his and his alone. He was not “ousted” nor was there a coup.

We know what a coup is since the country watched the televised attempted coup on Jan. 6, 2021, and it was clearly shown, thanks to the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, who was responsible.

I think objective readers will note that both the Democratic Party and the bipartisan congressional committee upheld the Constitution. This is in stark contrast to the current Republican presidential nominee and his supporters.

Gary Chambers

Election offers chance
to cancel Trump show

Beyond the risks of electing a serial liar and convicted felon to lead our country, can we all just collectively cancel this Donald Trump reality TV show in November?

Besides being a bad actor, literally and figuratively, his act has become so old and tired with his relentless lies and outrageous statements designed to garner attention. Not to mention he is too old.

The country needs a fresh start. Let’s elect a woman to lead our country for the first time.

James Peterson

Hamas’ misdeeds at
heart of Gazan suffering

Re: “Netanyahu’s war is real act of terrorism” (Page A6, Aug. 7).

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Yes, it is tragic that many civilians have been killed in Israel’s response to the brutal massacre that Hamas orchestrated on Oct. 7. But Hamas has the capability of protecting all Gazans simply by inviting them to shelter in the enormous network of tunnels they constructed (with supplies, effort and money that could have been used to create infrastructure)?

They are also able to prevent starvation by refraining from stealing the vast amounts of food and supplies sent to Gaza by Israel and the United States.

Please never use the word holocaust to describe what you falsely call a genocide. It cheapens the reality of 6 million innocent Jews being murdered.

Roberta Zucker

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