Leaders of Los Gatos gathered at the Los Gatos Cinelux Theatre to talk about their successes in 2024 and a goal for the new year.
Christopher Gunsky, Cinelux area director: “We appreciate and look forward to the continued support of our theater from Los Gatans. We are proud to host Monday Morning Movies in support of Los Gatos Thrives and making our town a friendly place for all ages.” www.cineluxtheaters.com
Thrives Foundation Chair Sandy Decker: “As chairman of the Thrives Foundation, I am thrilled with the enormous amount of interest and support we have gotten from the people in the Town of Los Gatos for a community center. Thank you.” www.losgatosthrives.org
Tom Picraux, chair of the Los Gatos Senior Service Committee: “In 2024 Los Gatos Thrives Foundation completed a community needs assessment and draft plan for a Los Gatos intergenerational community center. Fundraising for the new center will begin in 2025.”
Teri Hope, owner of Los Gatos Coffee Roasting and community advocate: “(I will) continue my work in support of the Los Gatos Monte Sereno Police Foundation, Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce, Los Gatos Morning Rotary Club and Los Gatos Foundation for Older Adults. I’ll give special attention to Los Gatos Music and Arts program Jazz on the Plazz by kicking off the year with a Jazz Master Class for youth with the Brubeck Brothers on Feb. 8. 2025.” www.jazzontheplazz.com
Los Gatos Rotary President Doug Brent: “In 2024, the Rotary Club of Los Gatos celebrated 100 years in town and was named Best Charity in Los Gatos. Next year, we plan to grow to 160 members. Stay tuned for an exciting new version of the Great Race in the fall of 2025, in conjunction with the Los Gatos Union School District.” losgatosrotary.org
Los Gatos Kiwanis President Clay Marr: “The Kiwanis Club of Los Gatos has just completed its’ 101st year of service, and it has been one of our best. We are looking forward to even more success this year, growing our membership and raising funds to serve the children and the community we live in.”
Heath L. Rocha, acting superintendent of the Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District: “LGHS is renowned for its exceptional academic, extracurricular and champion sports programs, supported by strong partnerships among staff, students, parents and the direct community. LGHS fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills while supporting hundreds of clubs, student-led organizations and an award-winning Wellness Center that ensures students have the social-emotional support to succeed inside and outside the classroom.” www.lguhsd.org
Outgoing mayor Mary Badame: “As mayor, my top accomplishments include certification of the Housing Element, hiring our new town manager Chris Constantin and representing the town at many beloved annual events. My top goals for 2025 include strengthening the town’s financial position and spending more time with my granddaughters.” www.losgatosca.gov
Community volunteer Ginger McDonald: “Despite the lingering aftermath of COVID, the nonprofits I serve hit high notes. Los Gatos Morning Rotary provided volunteer support throughout, raised funding for vital youth programs, kept the Sounds of Summer Jazz Event flowing, helped raise technology funds for Los Gatos-Monte Sereno police and created Los Gatos Theatre movie engagement for seniors. In 2025, I’d like to keep the spirit of Los Gatos moving forward for all ages as we set our sights to design and build a multigenerational community center.”
Radio and TV host Lissa Kreissler: “It was a year publicizing and sharing stories of residents doing extraordinary things in our community, taking part in Hunger at Home services for those needing a bit of help feeding their families, celebrating older adults at both Happy Hollow’s Senior Safari and Los Gatos Thrives events, benefiting families getting love and support from JW House. What’s to come in 2025? Helping even more people with love, kindness and services that go beyond hopes and expectations.”
Los Gatos Morning Rotary President Lotus Mahon: “Our club’s volunteers were on hand at every major town event. We provided funding for NUMU’s ArtsNow, Jazz on the Plazz, KCAT and college scholarships for deserving local high school students. We look forward to more of the same in 2025. The Blue Shirts (look for us) will be everywhere!”
If you have business or social news about Los Gatos, let me know so I can let others know: debby@debbyrice.com.