Letters: The L.A. fires bring out the worst in Trump

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L.A. fires bring out
worst in Trump

President-elect Donald Trump’s callous remarks blaming Gov. Gavin Newsom for failing to sign a nonexistent “water restoration declaration” ignored what was happening in Los Angeles but underscored Trump’s methods.

First, he used the fire to score cheap political points and ignored what was actually happening in L.A. Second, his remarks showed a lack of empathy for the people who lost their homes. Third, he failed to provide solutions. For example, during the election campaign, he vowed to deny Newsom funds for fighting fires.

Trump often tears others down using misinformation and lies to present himself as “The Solution.” During his presidency, this sometimes led to confusion and chaos. For example, during COVID-19, Trump suppressed scientific data, promoted ineffective cures and attempted to overturn the 2020 election.

If Trump would avoid self-aggrandizement and retribution, stick to facts, and work toward solutions, he would become an effective president. Leopards don’t change their spots; they only get bigger.

Larry Bieber
Castro Valley

State should promote
EVs over ethanol

What Gov. Newsom isn’t saying about lowering prices at the pump with 15% ethanol gasoline is that drivers will need to buy more to travel the same distance — at least 2% more. His own advisers warn that prices may go up due to the cost of refineries retooling, increased demand for ethanol, and oil or corn subsidy changes. Adding more ethanol to gasoline benefits Big Ag, Big Oil and Big Chem.

While ethanol is sometimes considered a “cleaner” fuel than gasoline, its lifecycle contributes a lot of pollution through the industrial agricultural monoculture practices used to grow the feedstock (like corn) needed to produce it, including high fertilizer usage and nitrous oxide emissions during growth. Creating inorganic fertilizer and processing corn both use methane to produce the high temperatures required.

Rather than promoting E15 gasoline, the Legislature should give more rebates for EVs, improve charging options and promote distributed electricity.

Carol Weed
Walnut Creek

Return of Trump is
return of bad times

Re: “Trump’s return holds promise of good times” (Page A6, Jan. 9).

In response to David Ott’s letter, a vote margin of 1.5 percentage points is not a “mandate.” Inflation has been worldwide due mostly to product supply chain stoppage during the COVID pandemic.

And with regard to the federal debt, Donald Trump added more in his four years than Barack Obama or Joe Biden did in four-year spans.

With regard to wars, Ott blames Biden for Vladimir Putin’s criminal invasion of Ukraine and the murderous Hamas attack on Israel.

But let’s look at Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to Trump’s narcissistic buffoonery, an estimated 180,000 additional COVID-related deaths resulted when compared to peer countries. Trump actually demanded COVID testing be “slowed down” because of how it made him look. While other countries cornered the virus, Trump suggested people inject bleach.

Those are “good times” we all can live without.

Steve Reynolds

Carter funeral displays
Trump’s classlessness

Re: “Jimmy Carter lauded for humility, service” (Page A1, Jan. 10).

Your Page A1 photo was telling. As President Carter’s casket passed by, every dignitary had their hand over their heart … except one.

Seventy-seven million Americans voted for a proven liar, grifter and convicted felon. Judging by your photo they voted for a classless one as well.

Brian Sanborn

Trump’s behavior at
service is a disgrace

Re: “Jimmy Carter lauded for humility, service” (Page A1, Jan. 10).

In your front-page photo of Jimmy Carter’s coffin and the solemn ceremonial exit from the National Cathedral,
Donald Trump and his wife were the only ones within three rows of dignitaries who did not show a heartfelt honor to the coffin.

What a disgrace for this convicted felon, who will unfortunately become our next president.

Charlotte Orren
Walnut Creek

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