Dear Abby: I’m on medication that made me reveal her secret, and she’s angry at me

DEAR ABBY: My niece and I have always had a strong bond.

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Her son and his wife were expecting a baby. They didn’t want to tell anyone besides immediate family until she reached her second trimester.

My niece told me. I was supposed to keep it a secret.

I have been depressed because my son is going through a divorce, and my psychiatrist put me on a new medication. While I was on the medication, for some reason I forgot about keeping the pregnancy a secret and sent a text to my niece’s son congratulating him.

My niece is beyond angry at me. I told her I don’t know why I did that. Come to find out the medication can cause “confusion.” I told my doctor what happened, and she verified it. I explained to my niece about the medication.

Although we don’t live close, we usually talk a lot. We haven’t spoken since this.

I have apologized. I would love to have that bond again. Is there anything I can do?


DEAR SPILLED: You have already done what you can. Your niece is now going to have to work through her anger and disappointment. However, if and when that happens, do not expect to be her confidant again. That ship has likely sailed.

DEAR ABBY: My friend of eight years has her 55-year-old son living with her.

She has been driving a man around; she told me he’s a friend of her son’s and she knows his family. What she never mentioned is that he’s a registered violent sex offender who was just released from prison.

She knows how I feel about this issue. Sex offenders are not allowed where we live because there are children here. I am very upset, and I told her to never call me again or come to my home.

She brought the man to her home for a cookout. Children live on both sides of her.

She has been trying to talk to me, but I have walked away. I feel hurt and lied to. She seems to not care about protecting the children in the neighborhood. What should I do here?


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DEAR INCENSED: Do the responsible thing. For the safety of those children, inform the police that a neighbor has been bringing a registered violent sex offender to her home in spite of the fact that minor children live on either side of her. The authorities can take it from there.

TO MY ASIAN READERS WHO CELEBRATE THE LUNAR NEW YEAR: The Lunar New Year begins today. It’s the Year of the Snake. According to Asian culture, individuals born in the year of the snake are goal-oriented. They are excellent mediators — intelligent, refined, clever in business and are good providers because they value material wealth. A healthy, happy and prosperous New Year to you all. (Hiss, hiss, hooray!) — LOVE, ABBY

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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