The Thomas Elias column that posted online March 4 and ran March 7 in the Bay Area News Group’s print weeklies incorrectly overstated what could be built under two different California housing laws. California’s SB 9 lets developers split single-family parcels in two and build up to four units throughout the state, regardless of local laws. California’s SB 10 lets local governments rezone parcels to allow up to 10 housing units per lot in urban areas or near public transit without undergoing environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act. Another law, AB 2011, lets developers build affordable housing and mixed-income housing on commercially-zoned land, up to 65 feet tall for sites within a half-mile of major transit. The previous version further stated incorrectly that the laws involve “little or nothing” about fire risk in their changes to the approval process for construction of high-density housing. AB 2011 excludes very-high-fire risk areas.