East Bay teen accused of Marin County school campus arson

The Novato police arrested a suspect accused of starting a small grass fire on the Novato High School campus. No injuries were reported.

Around 12 p.m. Thursday, officers were alerted about the fire at 624 Arthur St. Police determined that a student started it, police Lt. Christopher Jacob said. The fire was set near the science department building and faculty members extinguished the flames, the school’s principal, Liz Seabury, wrote in a May 30 letter to school staff and parents.

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Oscar Quintanilla, 18, of Richmond was arrested on suspicion of arson. He was released from the Marin County jail on Friday, Marin County sheriff’s Sgt. Adam Schermerhorn said. The suspect’s bail was set at $50,000, according to jail records. He could not be reached for comment.

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